make the portfolio handle option trades
Russell Howell commented
like this idea.
William Ney commented
I will be a lifelong owner of VV if this is done (likely will be anyway but please do it anyway. ;-> )
Thomas Kent commented
It seems to me that this should have already been included due to the popularity of options trading. Guess this would take lots more effort if you allow multi-leg options to be entered at one time. Please hurry with this feature.
William Ney commented
Agreed that VV would be vastly enhanced if option trades could be added to portfolio - even simple calls and puts would be a great start as all option trades have these as their basis. I currently used Optionetics to track all my option trades.
Judson Moulton commented
Need ability accomodate all options ie buy and sell calls and puts.
Currently can only add opton selling. When buying back and option on a covered call cannot track premiun paid to buy the call back. Change Portfolio Manager -Manage Portfolio-Add Opiton Premium screen: add 2 items to dropdown Type: Decuct Call Opiton (Premium), Deduct Put Option (Premuim) -
William Baker commented
Most definitely. Options are a big part of VectorVest and the modern portfolio. They definitely need to be added to the portfolio. We have Option Analyzer yet we can't track them in the portfolio.
Preston Humphries commented
Agreed. Would be so nice to support the Pay Day Portfolio and covered call strategies. Give us the tools and make it simple. That is why V V is so powerful.