Provide Comparisons to Indexes and Stocks
You provided a comparison to Indexes and Stocks, but it is only by adding stocks manually through the Graph > Performance option. This is basically useless as each stock needs to be written down from a UniSearch and then re-entered manually in the Graph > Performance option. Provide the option to access the Graph > Performance option from the UniSearch, Portfolio, and all other Graph > All, Selection options. It is nice to see an upward left to right graph trend, but it is much nicer to see how it performs compared to say the S&P500. This is basic functionality available from most brokers and other research tools (i.e. StockRover, Finviz, Portfolio123, TD Ameritrade, Yahoo Finance, etc.) and should be available in VV as well. It is inconvenient to have to switch between applications to perform the most basic and rudimentary comparison.