Backtester stop criteria doesn't include ProTrader options.
I just got your ProTrader Add On and so far in my back testing I'm not able to simulate the way I really try to trade. That is, if I buy on a MACD and DPO crossover I might want to stop out of the position on some combination of these ProTrader signals. Is there anything in the works or the pipeline to add such a feature to the Back Tester?

Adam Sciannimanica commented
I was about to post a new comment but this is exactly the same problem i had. Without these features i can find no value in protrader. It has huge potential but the limited stop loss functions is a deal breaker for me. I really hope that these features are added in the future as i believe pro trader has huge potential. I would also like to see an option for a set time period stop loss. a day, a week, a month etc etc.