I am an intraday momentum trader and I would like to be able to attach a trailing stop to the cumulative gain/loss by entire 10 stock portfo
I need to be able to attach a trailing stop to the cumulative gain/loss of an entire 10 stock portfolio (Using your Genius). I know that I can do that with individual stocks in my portfolio, but I am interested only in the cumulative portfolio gain (loss), not in the individual equity performance. I am an intraday momentum trader, I buy and sell a portfolio each day, and I don't want to watch the monitor throughout the entire the trading day. Receiving an email alert when the cumulative trailing stop is reached would enable me to sell the portfolio immediately using Fidelity Mobile App. Since you are already keeping this cumulative data to generate the portfolio graphic, this addition should be something you could do without a great deal of difficulty. Could you let me know if this is a possible development item?
David Lefkowitz III, MD