In portfolio manager add position sizing
In portfolio manager add a position sizing that would be a % of the total portfolio amount related to the stop:
Portfolio amount = 25,000
stock price = 13
stop is at 11.50
I want to risk 5% of the 25,000
have it where I can pick whatever % I want to have at risk 2%,5% ect
number of shares to buy =833
I have 1,250 @ risk

Raymond Landry commented
VectorVest only uses the float percent unit model although the fixed risk percent model is more commonly used and recommended. Outside the stock arena, nobody practically uses the float percent unit model and the shorter the trading time frame, the truer it is.
Brian D'Amico commented
Also add this feature to the backtester where it will Invest a certain amount per stock based on the risk % you enter. It should be smart enough to know what your stop criteria is and base your investment on that and your risk tolerance.