MTI Candlestick Graph
Example: in a stock chart i can use candlesticks to spot bottoms [e.g. hammer] and tops [e.g. inverted hammer] etc.
"There is No rule that says the MTI MUST go from 0.60 directly to 1.60 and actually reach that number"
At the moment the MTI is on a scale of 0-2, it might be impossible to convert it into candlesticks on lack of movement[open, close, high, low].
If it would be please possible to scale up the range number [e.g. 0-2000], or move down the decimal number in order to achieve a wider spread range of movement that might make possible converting the data into a "MTI - Candlestick graph".
Thank you!!

J Scharf commented
PS. I'm not referring to the actual MTI, the MTI at the moment is very very good! my suggestion is for a new additional look besides the one there is now. Thanks again!