include Beta (stock price volatility measurement) as an item unisearch to build searches
Beta is a measure of stock price volatility and is a common measurement applied to stocks.

Robert Bright commented
BETA is a critical parameter for the identifying stocks with with potential to move meaningfully higher or lower (ie. volatile) and vice versa. The lack of a stock's BETA within the Unisearch Tool is a material shortfall in its utility. Please consider adding BETA - it will improve the value of Unisearch significantly.
Leo Van der Werf commented
can you create in the VectorVest software a BETA possibility for the Unisearch Tool ? for example to create the following paramter: select all the stocks with BETA lower than 1.
Nick Kirkos commented
Please add a Beta for stocks based on the VVC. Since the VVC is a broad index not all stocks rise in step with the VVC.
William Jones commented
Add beta to vector vest. Would be awesome to filter s&p500 stocks with. HIGH VST HIGH BETA!
Gregg Davis commented
like to search stocks by beta
Edy Leuenberger commented
It would be very useful to add beta into the uniserach tool to further refine search criteria for different market environments
Craig Howard commented
Include the Beta of a stock as a new field
Frank Field commented
Be able to compare individual stock growth rates with benchmark growth rates such as the S&P 500 or 3-month T-bill to create CAPM models, track beta, and compute alphas of stocks. This would allow someone to search for betas or alphas
Steven Bukosky commented
Having graduated from Online Trading Academy, Beta is a parameter that we need for stock selections. Please add!
Ronald Schwab commented
Will make it easier to build a more steady portfolio in a volatile market. A must for retirement portfolios.
David Wall commented
This would be very helpful expecially for dividend-oriented investors.
Tom Owen commented
I vote to include beta in unisearch.
please advise if you are planning on doing this.thank you Tom
John Holzemer commented
Beta as a search field would enable people to identify stocks with higher or lower price volatility to use in their searches.