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VectorVest 7

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VectorVest 7



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428 results found

  1. List Transaction date/time as a field to choose and sort on in portfolio > layout. That way one could sort by intraday time to look at duration of trade for day trading etc. Only giving trade date is limiting as the timestamp is an important value for traders for many reasons. It should be easy to do as the data point is stored with the trade.

    Under Portfolio > reports >

    Transaction log does list "Trade Date" as mm/dd/yyy hh:mm xM format so time is recorded somewhere. While T log is open cannot return to VV program. Cannot cut/paste or…

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  2. I would like to receive email alerts on some portfolios that have the genius turned on but not on all of them. Right now we receive email notifications on all portfolios that have the genius turned on. Would be nice to differentiate which portfolios we want to have notifications and which ones we do not. The latter would be portfolios that we are just following but not trading.

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  3. Enter dividends and other entries to the transaction log in "reports" in Portfolio without having to turn off the genius. You might forget to turn the genius back on. It's just an cumbersome step, especially if you have multiple portfolios and have to regularly enter dividends (or other entries). It requires you to always turn the genius off and on again.

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  4. Provide the ability to import trade history for a stock into a VectorVest portfolio. Manually entering a long history is difficult. Import trade history from Quicken would be nice.

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  5. Stop showing Stop Criteria Enabled status for each and every position every time the Genius is turned off and back on again. Only show a status when a Stop Criteria has actually been CHANGED for a position. Otherwise, the log - and especially the daily email summary - gets so busy that more important changes are in danger of getting buried in the chaff.

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  6. Right now there is no way to know when you are nearing your ProfitLocker stop. It's not graphed out on a graph, nor is it available as just a parameter dollar value. A graphed indicator within a stock's graph would be best, but a single ProfitLocker stop value in the Graph Control Panel would be better than nothing.

    Right now we fly blind with ProfitLocker, until it hits us upside the head with an sell alert out of nowhere. That's no way to "monitor" your stops. And $495 for Pro is too much, plus it has features that most of…

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  7. Create a one click YTD view when in Portfolio Performance review, so you can see each portfolios YTD Return

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  8. YTD Portfolio Performance needs to be added to the Portfolio Performance spreadsheet. You have % Gain/Loss, ARR, CROR so why can't you add YTD Gain/Loss without opening the View Summery Report in Reports? Many people have asked for this if you look at all the requests in Portfolio. Add all us up and move request to the top of the list. You already have the info in each individual portfolio report. It has to be an easy fix.

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  9. I can create a technical search to buy stocks as part of a Genius Strategy but I cannot use a technical search to sell a portfolio stock with the Genius.

    We should be able to sell a stock based on technical parameters rather than just Gain/Loss parameters

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  10. On behalf of Sunil Taneja, he would like the ability to click "add trade" in portfolios and populate the order form to send to IB, like the competition participants. See attachment

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  11. The Market Timing system is fine - but another feature (VIX) could be added to complement the existing system, For example, some of us would prefer to be out of the market if the VIX > 20; but are prepared to stay in (but add no new positions) if the VIX is < 20 but VIX > 16. That is we might think it ok to be in the market and adding new positiins if the VIX < 16. Adding the ability to complement the existing Market Timing system with programmable VIX thresholds might add value to Vectorvest users.

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  12. Have the ability to set the length of time needed if there was a Market Timing Change. For example, yesterday and last week there have been 2 whipsaws of the Primary Wave. It would be nice to set the number of days consecutively needed to confirm the Market Timing change. If it had been 2 days there would have been no whipsaws - would have kept the portfolio long instead of selling and then immediately buying the next day..

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  13. Markets are correlated internationally. That is a Vectorvest user in the UK or Europe needs to be aware of the S&P500 Market Timing model even when they are making investments markets outside of USA. It would help non-USA Vectorvest users if under the Genius system they could set up a trading system that was cognizant of both of their own local market timing system AND that of the dominant (USA) market.

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  14. Vectorvest is already a good tool for creating and back-testing strategies and then implementing them as stratgies (either for real or in paper form). But at present we are limited to 10 porftolios (i.e. you are limiting us to running 10 concurrent strategies). Increasing this limit would help us at the cost of a little more disk space. Moroever, once you have multiple concurrent strategies to consider giving us some tools to appraise how they are performing relative to one another over differing time frames (1 w, 2w, 1m, 2m, 3m, 6m), or which ones have momentum relative to the…

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  15. Could you please include "Day Change $ amount" and also include this amount on the bottom of the columns on the portfolio page. i.e. Day $ change - total portfolio, Total - portfolio $ cost basis, Total - portfolio $ Market value.
    On the mobile app in the portfolio section, could you please include the $ day gain for each security

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  16. I'm a user of VV or over 10 years. currently the program averages the base purchase price of a stock when multiple purchases are made. I've been told that when that group of purchases is sold the average price is used to calculate the proceeds, which throws off the actual portfolio value. In other words, the sale proceeds are reflected accurately in the buying power but not in the portfolio value. This is no way to accurately measure performance or the portfolio. Please make adjustments necessary to match the sales to the shares held on a FIFO basis (as the…

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  17. Modify the genius so it checks the searches throughout the day when there are not enough stocks in the portfolio to fill the requirements. It will notify of a sell but it will not notify if there is a suggested buy until the end of day

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  18. When a Profit Locker Stop is triggered and an email alert send to the user, it would be very helpful (and save calls to support) if the ACTUAL stop percentage used to trigger the sell were included in the email. e.g. If a 10% loss target had been tightened to, say, 6% it is not at all clear why the stop was triggered.

    This can be seen with Profit Locker Pro but for those who do not have the Pro version this would be very helpful.

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  19. Allow us to customize columns so we can add RS, VST, etc... also, it would be nice to be able to add additional columns, such as Stop Price, Distance to Stop Price, Profit Target Price, Distance to Profit Target Price.... and ATR (for us ATR fans out there). Thanks

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  20. Need ability to add spinoff shares (e.g., WAB from GE) to portfolio when price received is $0.00/no fee. Technical support unable to resolve. Only work around for now is to designate acquired price as >$0.00.

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