467 results found
I have need for the capability to use an exponential moving average for TRUE RANGE, one of your techcnical indicators. Thanks.
Exponential moving average for TRUE RANGE.
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allow detrending oscillators to be graphed for more than just detrending PRICE oscillator
just as the "DPO" is an exceptional tool when paired w the VVC Price/wma (hence the D-E-W timing systems), the de-trending oscillator is exceptional for viewing when paired w RT, BSR, or other parameters.
VV Prographics had this capability... still does, when on the DPO graph, one can right click to change the parameter, and then view the "DPO" as it relates RT, BSR, etc.... this function was NOT picked up to my knowledge in VV7. PLEASE ADD! thanks.1 vote -
Market Timing Indicators in Histogram Layout
MTI is from 0.00 to 2.00
RT is from 0.00 to 2.00
BSR is from 0.00 to 2.00
would be nice to have it in an Visual Histogram where 1.00 is the crossing point.1 vote -
Highest and Lowest Price point over a user defined period of time. I like to be able to see a evolving line that indicate the highest and lowest price point over say, 10 20 30 or whatever amount of most recent days. If the stock makes new high or low comparing to the last 10 20 or 30 or whatever amount of days, the change will be reflected and all dots connected to form lines.
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Add History to QRVO to be able to use the graphs on Vectorvest and not have to use Snapcharts as a referance to get history.
Add History to QRVO to be able to use the graphs on Vectorvest and not have to use Snapcharts as a referance to get history
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XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX How about being able to overlay stock graphs? For example, the TVIX against DJI and NDX. Cool beans!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx How about being able to overlay stock graphs? For example, the TVIX against DJI and NDX. Cool beans!
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we should be able to change color on the graph curser.
The color of the curser on the graphs is rather unremarkable and there is no facility to change it. A brighter color would be great.
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Log setting is not retained
Although log is checked in graph settings charts come up as arithmetic and when log button is selected on a chart the setting is not retained after the chart has been viewed a few times.
This is an irritating bug.
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When searching from a certain date the right hand of the newly opened graphs should be at that date for the right edge.
This allows for those using visual criteria such as Midas Touch for selecting stocks to not be influenced by seeing ahead.
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Drawing Object Hot Keys
For those of us who like to mark up a chart, it would be really helpful to assign the different drawing objects to a FUNCTION key. This would save a couple of mouse-clicks and having to choose the option from the drop-down menu every time you want to change the drawing object.
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$TICK being able to graph the Cumulative Adjusted NYSE TICK captures the intraday trend.
$TICK being able to graph the Cumulative Adjusted NYSE TICK captures the intraday trend.
Reference Brett Steenbarger, PhD1 vote -
mass index -add to graph and unisearch
I would like to see the mass index added to the technical analysis tools as well as the ability to do searches using unisearch. Here is a great article about the tool - http://www.forbes.com/sites/tomaspray/2013/09/07/power-your-portfolio-with-the-mass-index/
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Add the Drawdown as a Parameter available in the VectorVest Fields
Add the Drawdown as a new Parameter available in the VectorVest Fields. This feature available in any Backtest, would allow - if applied to a stock graph - to quickly identify stocks with small losses during a particular time frame.
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doji candle
can you please define a doji candle for us in Unisearches and \ProTrader?
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1 vote
- Don't see your idea?