467 results found
A histogram rather than a line on vv7 similar to the macd indicate obv
The OBV coveys critical data for day trading.The line representation now on VV7 charts is very inadequate in conveying this data. A histogram similar to the MACD would make this indicator useable. Thank you
5 votes -
5 votes
This issue will be fixed in a future update.
5 votes
5 votes
Default Graph Layouts for Stocks, Industries, Sectors
Default Graphs for Stocks, Industries, Sectors should be segregated and different. These categories have different fields. Examples: 1- RT Ranking is a field in Industry Graphs but not Stock Graphs. 2- Stocks have an Industry Group field but Industry Graphs does not. Currently it is not possible to setup default graphs where the categories have different fields.
5 votes -
Add horizontal lines to the graphing Stochiastics indicators.
Having a green line at the 80 level and a red line at the 20 level will add meaning to the the Stochiastics indicator. Green shading for the over-bought areas and red shading for the oversold areas would be an added bonus.
4 votes -
Allow stock graphs to go into the future
Allow graphs for a particular stock to set out a future date that will show Earnings dates and Dividend dates in the future. Similar to what Think Pipes or Think or Swim can do.
4 votes -
Load graph trend markers with graph layout type
When selecting a graph layout, such as "Protrader Timing DEW" have its associated trend marker "DEW" load automatically. In almost every Daily Color Guard Report the VectorVest staff will click on the graph type and then click its associated trend marker. It's just a logical thing to do. Therefore, why not have it happen simultaneously while selecting the graph layout type?
Thank you
4 votes -
Percentage gain/loss
In graphs
A % gain/loss tool added to the graph will allow the trader to connect the high and low at right angles and read off the %gain or loss4 votes -
Mutiple charts populate based on single stock selection
It would be nice to setup several different charts that key in on a selected stock. For instance, a weekly, daily and 3-hour charts to populate when selecting a stock.
4 votes -
Please think about adding a 2 year graph to the program rather than jumping from 1 all the way to 5 years.
Please think about adding a 2 year graph to the program rather than jumping from 1 all the way to 5 years.
4 votes -
To find the biggest gainer over time from a search one uses the performance graph. It would be nice if highlighted stocks could be directly be entered into the performance graph, rather then tediously adding each stock to be graphed.
4 votes -
Display Implied Volatality in VV7 Graphs
Have the ability to display Implied Volatality (under TA, or other tab) on graphs.
4 votes -
Improve performance graphs by enabling display of portfolios
The old system (VV US) enabled the member to run a portfolio, perhaps based on a strategy, and then display the performance on the performance graphs. This enabled the member to inspect performance (and relative performance) of strategies during certain stages of the market cycles. For example, we hear 2013 was the best year since 1996. So, what strategy did best from 1996-Spring 1998 before the sell-off? This would be very useful and used to be a feature of the old system.
4 votes -
I'd like to be able to add an index to the graphing function under the portfolio tab.
I track several portfolios on a daily basis and update them with any trades I make. It would be great if I could add an index (S&P 500, Russell 3000 etc.) from a drop-down box when I click on settings. This would let me know how my portfolio is tracking against its benchmark for the given time period.
4 votes -
In the graphs, provide total return graph option
Provide an option to graph total return
4 votes -
Add VVC Price to overlay the Backtest Graph
In addition to Confirmed Calls, DEW, Primary Wave, add a feature that overlays the VVC performance.
This would be a visual gauge of:
a) How well the back test performed against the VVC (assume 100% of the portfolio was invested in the VVC at start)
b) Where the particular strategy is stronger/weaker, as compared to the overall market (VVC).This would need to be a line chart, so that it can be distinguished from the "area" graph of the back test performance.
Allowing this VVC run-line to be overlayed at the same time as Confirmed Calls (DEW, Primary Wave) markers…
4 votes -
graphs of individual stocks able to be superimposed on the graph of vvp
graphs of stocks to be superimposed on vvp
4 votes -
Parameter change type to area as a default selection
Recent nightly views presentations showed the use of right clicking on a checked parameter (i.e. RT) to change type to an area vs a line. How do you make area a saved default selection when opening subsequent graphs. Saving graph layouts does not work. When opening a new search and graphing, the change type reverts back to line v.s. area. The only way to save as an area, is to check the box of all parameters and save the layout with area selected. When you opening a new set of graphs, you must manually deselect all checked parameters to start…
4 votes -
add buy sell ratio to VV data fields so it can be displayed for sectors and industries as in VV6.
In VV6, I can ad BSR to industry and sector graphs for analysis Restore this capability back in to the VV fields in VV7.
4 votes
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