289 results found
Tighten Stops instead of Going into Cash
Currently the options are Go Cash/Short.Provide another option - to tighten stops on PW down.Further choice go into cashor rely on stops when market continues down from PW to Cdn.Auto loosen stops again when PW goes G.
1 voteyou have to do it manually, but you can now change the stop criteria at any given point in time during a backtest… in the holdings view, use the Edit Stops button.
QuickList percent
The % Change on the QuickList gadget is currently displayed as an integer. It should be displayed with at least one decimal precision. Currently if DJI is up .50 % it is displayed as 1%. This is misleading and inaccurate.
1 vote -
RT ranking & graphing problem
Open a stock graph, and then open its Industry graph (from the stock graph); RT Ranking is not available as a Parameter. However, if go to Viewers > Industries, and then open a graph, RT Ranking is available. This problem should be fixed.
1 vote -
1 vote
This issue with the Calendar dialog has been fixed in the next update to VectorVest 7 which will be available soon.
1 vote
This feature exists in VectorVest 7. In any of the Stock Finder boxes, you can type either the symbol or the company name and it will filter down to the stock you are looking for.
1 vote
To filter your search by a list of stocks, under Parameter, choose Stocks – Filter By – Watchlist. You can create your own watchlists in the Watchlist tab with any stocks you want in a group, or choose one of our built-in watchlists.
This will limit the search to run only on these basket of stocks.
in "Graphs", allow display of an index along with the security we're graphing so we can compare
in "Graphs", allow display of an index along with the security we're graphing so we can compare. This is especially helpful in comparing the perfomance and volatility of an ETF with its benchmark index
2 votesThis features exists in VectorVest 7 as a Performance graph. To use Performance Graphs, go to the Graphs tab. On the Graphs toolbar, click on the button labeled Stocks and select Performance.
On the Performance graph, you can compare Stocks, Industries, and Sectors by adding them using the selector to the right of the graph.
25 votes
VectorVest 7 Australia is now available!
Download it with the following link:
http://www.vectorvest.com/install/vectorvest7/Let us know what you think!
Vectorvest for Mac
I like the iPad app idea, but would really like to see full US market functionality on my macbook! Thanks!
14 votesWe’re proud to announce that VectorVest 7 is now available on Mac OS X 10.7 and later! This solution no longer requires a separate partition or installing Parallels Desktop + Windows. Instead, we use a remote server to host VectorVest 7.
Subscribers will install Parallels RAS Client (free app) to access our software. To start using it, go to vectorvest.com/install/vectorvest7/mac.
no after hours trades
I've noticed in one of my portfolios that trades are happening after hours even though I have it configured to "NOT" check afterhours. The stop criteria for this portfolio is based on %G/L.
1 voteThis issue should no longer exist in Portfolio Automation in VectorVest 7.
make reistance price a search parameter
Please make the support and resistance values used for the graph available as a search parameter
1 voteSupport / Resistance are searchable in Unisearch with the ProTrader add-on.
To access Support / Resistance in searches, add Stock Price as the Parameter, and choose Support / Resistance in the ProTrader group under Operator.
To get ProTrader, call our Customer Support for a trial.
Please add a tool to delete multiple backtests. currently can only delete one at a time.
Please add a tool to delete multiple backtests. currently can only delete one at a time.
6 votesUse the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple backtests for deletion at one time.
Return sliders to VectorVest at aGlance. Was changed between &
Sliders visually represent ratios between Buys, Sells, & Holds "at a Glance" quicker than numbers. The sliders were replaced with numbers between version and, NOT an improvement in my opinion
2 votesThough the text version is the new default view for the VectorVest at a Glance Gadget, you can configure it to display the original view.
1) Click on the wrench icon in the upper right of that gadget
2) Choose “Chart View” from the Display As choices.
3) Click anywhere inside the gadget (or again on the wrench) to collapse the options. -
Watchdog: Printable instructions would be most helpful
Printalbe instructions for Watchdog. Please
2 votesTo print instructions for the Watchdog, go to the Training tab in VectorVest 7. At the bottom is a button for the Help File as well as for a PDF version of the Help File.
You can print help instructions for Watchdog from either of these help files.
Market Timing in the VV7 Backtester
Thanks for Market timing in the backtester. But, it should be available to simulator users without having to purchase Real Time. It is a function of the Simulator, which will eventually be integrated into VV7. So it would be great allow your simulator users access to it...please.
Thanks1 vote -
VectorVest 7 for UK
VectorVest 7 for the UK please
23 votesVectorVest 7 UK is now available! It can be downloaded from: http://www.vectorvest.com/install/vectorvest7/
Be able to backtest a strategy with Buying on Green Light
The Green Light buying approach has been promoted much this past year .. and for good reason. I would like to have this feature added so when backtesting you can set that you can buy only on a Green Light.
8 votesThe Green Light Buyer is now available as a BackTester strategy in the latest version of VectorVest 7 which is currently being rolled out.
1 vote
The Firework Stocks Watchlist has been removed from VectorVest 7.
Stock repurchase delay.
Many times, when running a portfolio with stop losses, the same stock is repurchased the same day it was sold. An adjustable time delay, as in the simulator would be helpful.
2 votesThis feature is available by using the Limit Duplicates setting in the Automation Settings.
Timing the Market videos
Add the ability to move back to a prior point while watching Timing the Market & SOW Videos.
1 voteWhile watching the videos in VectorVest 7, you can move between different points of the video by dragging the slider bar underneath the video.
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