4495 results found
On Protrader, please enable 9-day EMA to crossover to an indicated 15-day EMA line wh/ is not avlble
I found that the 9 and 15-day EMA highly accurate in predicting changes to the momentum of a stock movement. If the 9-day, crossover the 15-day upward it will continue for a time. A good entry point.
5 votes -
Save Color of lines when I Save the graph layout
It's annoying to have to change the style of lines every time I open a graph. The system keeps assigning multiple white lines, or colors that are indistinguishable for each other!
14 votes -
1 vote
allow more votes for suggestions
I have all my votes used up, but have a lot more suggestions, allow a lot more votes, 25 or 50 or so. i believe you would get a lot more ideas and feedback.
2 votes -
When you go to Transactions provide ability to Copy to Excel.
Provide the ability to copy Transactions into Excel
2 votes -
Balance sheet plz
There doesn't seem to be anything from the balance sheet other than equity. definitely could do some more interesting value investing searches if we had this data available.
1 vote -
Can't figure this out from existing fields
1 vote -
Portfolio G/L
Would it be possible to reset the G/L % on an annual basis. The G/L % showed on my portfolio is from the first day I started this portfolio. It doesn't show the G/L % as of 12/31/2010
2 votes -
in vv7 - when I do a stock history look up leave the search setting where I did my last look - not o
in vv7 leave the setting I last choose for a history lookup - not always change it back to intra day
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6 votes
Allow Printing & graphing from Trade History in Portfolios
I would like to see Printing and Graphing allowed from the 'Trade History' in Portfolios.
Printing is allowed in the 'Tax report', but that does not give prices in and out. No printing is allowed from the 'Trade History' report
Also, regarding graphig: having closed out all my positions, I want to go back to a chart and review my actions -- would I have been better off to have had different stops, etc. Yes, I can go back to the Stock Viewer and individually find and graph the stocks, but in the Trade History all the trades are there,…
1 vote -
2 votes
Add Seasonal charting to protrader
Show what happens by day what the stock has done during the year over the past 10 years. This would show the probability of what the stock will do in any given month or day.
15 votes -
1 vote
Create an Application Add In Linking To My Trader Account
VectorVest is an excellent analysis tool giving me the information I need to trade stocks and options - SMARTLY.
However, to put your strategies to work I have to have my trading account open while working wthin your application. When I decide to take action, my trading account has timed out forcing me to start over get to my trading platform.
It would be great to have VectorVest initiate my trade with my brokerage account in some way so my trades are more timely.
As an alternative, how about simply providing a training webinar that would show methods on using…
2 votes -
Manually entering Price of trade doesn't work completely
When entering a trade in Portfolio, one needs to specify the stock symbol, and the quantity. If one manually enters a stock price -- the price you actually got on a trade already done -- you are NOT able to 'Apply' that price to the transaction -- the 'Apply' button is diminished. The work-around is that one needs to use the 'Get Price' button to get the last price, which does activate the 'Apply' button. Then one needs to change the displayed price to the price you actually got.
This is more of a 'bug' than a product suggestion. The…
1 vote -
Quicktest end date should not be reset to current if sort is changed
When doing a quicktest in the past one has to manually set the beginning date. The end date defaults to the current date, and needs to be manually set if a date other than the current date is desired for the quicktest.
When after running a Strategy with a past ending date, and then changing the sort the beginning date remains the same, but the ending date changes back to the default (current) date, and needs to be manually re-set. It would be useful to leave the dates (both beginning and ending) as set. Changing the sort when running a…
3 votes -
Days of Prior months diminished in Quicktest calendars
Sometimes in the quicktest calendars there is confusion between the days of the current month and the days of the prior/future months. I would suggest that the days of prior/future months be diminished in intensity on the calendars.
1 vote -
Whole shares (not fractional) enter t Portfolio
When entering a trade in Portfolio, whole # of shares are entered. Yet when asked to confirm the trade the # of shares is displayed with 3 decimal places. This is confusing. It can be clarified by having the code such that 'If fractional shares are entered in the Quantity field, then display fractional shares in the Confirm -- Otherwise only display whole # of shares'
3 votes -
C/Up & C/Dn to be color coded in VIEWS
I missed seeing the C/Up last week. It would be helpful if the actual C/Up or C/Dn days in the VIEWS were color coded (either the text) or the field itself were colored (as on Home page)
3 votes
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