4495 results found
In portfolio add next days close
I would like to see how well today's Darby winners does the next day. If I could buy on the next days open and sell on the close, it would helpful in back testing these day to day derbys.
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backtest thru current date, current time of day
include the current day, current time, (as though it were end of day) not just the last real date with end of day information. As things now stand, backtest only runs thru the last completed day of trading.
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add capability to take the Vectorvest at a Glance gadget on the home page back in time
add capability to take the Vectorvest at a Glance gadget on the home page back in time
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I would like to see chairman's portfolios on the iphone application
I would like to see chairman's portfolios on the iphone application
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Can you assist in obtaining cost bases for stocks held over numerous years?
my idea is to find a program or data about original cost bases for NYSE secrities.
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Better Limit Orders
Wouldn't it be terrific if you could enter a buy limit order shortly after the market opened and be assured that you'd get filled at the session low? What if you're selling? Would you like to get filled at the market high every time? Forget it, you are day dreaming. However, consistent use of Robert Hessler's utility would improve our limit orders and make frequent traders a lot more money. The utility previously located at betterlimitorder.com provided us with information you don't currently have when you enter your limit orders - probabilities. Professional gamblers know the odds, they live and…
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Add capability to buy above the high of the previous day or to sell below the low of the previous day
Add the capability to buy above the high of the previous day or to sell below the low of the previous day
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Include Foreign Bond ETFs
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quick graph on portfolio
when I select a security in my portfolio it would be nice if the graph changed from the entire portfolio to the security alone
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Just started the service and found that you have to run a Windows App. Get with it! Everyone is moving to Web Based Services. I will NOT
You need to do away with Windows based software. Everyone is moving to web based investment tools. I will not run windows apps!
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Add per share/per trade commission combinations and conditions in Backtest
Many brokers use combos of charges and conditions to charge for trades. For example, Optionshouse charges $3.95 per trade, but adds $.005 per share for the entire order for stocks under $2 that are non-optionable. It would be great if this could be configured in a Backtest.
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Add ability to set Backtest cash interest rate to 0%
Currently the lowest it can be set is .1%
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Change DIV in Unisearch to indicate only the current dividend amount. To isolate an unusual dividend amount before exdividend.
This additional Dividend category which searches the base for only the most recent dividend before its exdividend date. This category of DIV will enable a search for extremely large dividends about to be paid. During December 2011, (AMEN) paid a one-time dividend of $20.00; During February 2012, (KDN) will pay a $10.50 one-time dividend. Thank you.
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The vv composite should be a callable factor when writing searches. eg vvcom/stock price etc.
also one should be overlay the composite on a stock graph not just in the performance graph.
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Add divident
Adding divident to a position changes the original date of purchase of the position. Can this be corrected?? so a position bought in 12/4/2008 shows the same purchase date when a divident is added on 2/1/2012. That's what happened. I decided to reinvest dividents in few positions and my original dates of purchase have been changed so I don't know how along I hold these positons any more!!!!!
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Add True Strengh Index (TSI)
I primarily use TSI (7,4) and TSI (25,13) for daily charts and change these periods for other chart frames. Having variable periods will give a lot of flexability.
TSI is a great trending and signal indicator. When starting to trend, it indicates a change in stock direction is underway or about to change. When it crosses zero, it reinforces the stock trend.
Being able to search TSI in protrader and plotting it on graphs is very powerfull.
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allow cursor to reveal entire name of issue. most abbrev. are indeciferable,esp. ETF's
have the cursor reveal the full name of the issue just like my brokerage a/c's do. why do i have to go to analysis just to get a name???
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Please add PACD started trading in 2011.
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