Show the real option prices rather than Black Shoals model price.
Can you show real time option prices from Yahoo insread of Black Shoal's model price. Real prices are close to 1/2 of Black Shoal's model prices.

Actual Options Prices are now available in both VectorVest 7 and the Options Analyzer.
Richard Lees commented
End-of-Day would be an improvement over Theoretical, but with Options, real time prices are essential. The spread between these often defines profit or loss in real money trading.
David Wall commented
Lawrence may be right. Richard Lash requested having Option Chains included over two years ago and it is still "under review." I have been exchanging e-mails with VV support on this issue for almost a month and all they do is explain their pricing model. They will not address why they do not include the actual option price. This is curious as the stock prices shown are clearly from a data feed so it should be simple to load option prices from the same source.
Lawrence Torliatt commented
I agree if you are talking about Options Analyzer! Needs Real time option prices, Real time volume, and Real time stock price and volume! Since I paid for Options Analyzer months ago and asked about this it should be addressed. That's why I quit V.V real time module until it is updated, which probably won't ever happen?
Angelo Letsome commented
Because the implied volatility of an option is the difference between the actual price of an option and the theoretical price, including the theoretical price of an option in the options pricing model will tell one if the current option is "fairly priced" "undervalued" or "overvalued".