change the daily published gains on top performing strategys to days open not previous close,
The current use of the previous days closing price as a basis for determining the gain performance by the top performing search/strategys makes it very misleading and just plain false. use of the current days open would be much more accurate.since the users cannot get these prices after the market close when we must do our evaluation and orders after getting the daily views. The way it is now the top performing strategys in the views are almost useless and they are simply not accurate. The quicktest could also be improved by using the next days open as the starting price

Stanley Cornelius commented
The one day derby winner gains as published are almost a joke now, use of the previous days close don't even start to make them realistic. todays Angel wings @ 4.90 was really 3.15% if purchase at todays open which most of us have to do. likewise Explosive EPSII @3.47 was actually only 1.45% and El Cheapo @ 3.47 was really 2.04. Get realistic.