Show the Selected Graph Layout on or above the Graph
It would be nice to have the Selected Graph Layout name appear either above the graph or perhaps on the graph as a watermark. This should be a user controlled setting.

Paul Roberts commented
This idea was first shared 10/13/2010. Changed to "PLANNED" status on 6/18/2018. This should be a relatively quick fix that everyone would really like -- including VV staff. I even bet the Dr. would like it. What's the hold up? It's almost 2023!!
Frank De Buyst commented
It's planned from 18 june 2018 ???????????????
LARRY NELSON commented
I see where a comment mentioned this was planned in Aug 2020, and he said it had been planned a long time. This seems so simple to do that I don't understand why it is still planned and not implemented. It is SOOOOOOO F-R-U-S-T-A-T-I-N-G to constantly have to figure out which layout I am on, so I don't actually overwrite the wrong layout when I make a layout change and save it.
George Doohan commented
Go from "planned" to implemented please
David Gibb commented
I've been hoping for this for many, many years!
Bob Howes commented
It would be very, very handy to even see a watermark on the graph to identify which graph layout you are currently working on.
Bob Howes commented
Steven Ofner commented
Glad to see this is "planned". However, comments for this go back to 2009. This needs to be a top priority. Definitely one of the most frustrating parts of this software.
Fayez Azrak commented
when we are in graph, we don't know witch graph layout are we. Is it possible to highlight the select layout that the graph is on?
Remo Melchiori commented
Really...since 2010???
Richard Culverwell commented
I updated the wrong Graph Layout. This would be a big help to make sure I'm updating the correct Graph Layout.
George Doohan commented
It seems that this has been requested for a long time. In the Graph Layouts title block, simply show which graph layout is selected e.g. Graph Layouts (Vector Vest Simple)
Stephen Wegman commented
I notice that "Show the Selected Graph Layout on or Above the Graph" was first noted on Oct 2010 and PLANNED as of June 2018. Don't you think it's about time?
Ken Morin commented
WORKAROUND for USER-DEFINED GRAPH LAYOUT NAME: (1) Create a Custom Field with the NAME of your Graph Layout. Eg "LOut My 3 Friends (=CI)". You will have to include a field in your definition and I usually use CI. (2) Select the graph layout you want to identify, and use Add Parameter to add the corresponding Custom Field. The field name will be displayed at the bottom of the list of parameters. (3) Click Save/Modify Layouts and SAVE this layout including your custom field. (4) Whenever one of these layouts is being displayed, the name of the layout will be there! NOTE: This works only for custom layouts that you have designed and saved. You could, however, make your own copy of a predefined layout, eg "My Vectorvest Simple" and use this workaround.
Alex Sneddon commented
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Djordje (George) Mihajlovic commented
I really can’t understand why the Vector Vest persistently refuses to implement this very important graph feature. I am guessing, we should ask Dr Bart Diliddo for explanation.
Roger Frisch commented
I prefer that the graph name is displayed on the right panel where it is selected.
Keith Bridges commented
Display the layout that we are using on the screen.
Avery Blalock commented
Adjust the Graph Control Panel so that the Layout selected remains highlighted until a different layout is selected.
Junaid Malik commented
while using graph unable to tell which graph layout is in use.
just have the layout highlighted.