Show the Selected Graph Layout on or above the Graph
It would be nice to have the Selected Graph Layout name appear either above the graph or perhaps on the graph as a watermark. This should be a user controlled setting.

Alan Davis commented
I first expected to see the name of the Graph shown after I opened it.
Then to my surprise found it wasn't, and wished it were especially when I have developred my own named Graph Set-Up.
Surely others must wish to see it, it surprises it is not Standard knowing how capable programmers can be. Still hoping this may be on the cards to happily surprise me next time :-)
it as standard,
Totally agree
Chee Chong commented
I agree that the name of graph layout should shown somewhere on the graph screen. A good position would be next to "Last Close" at the bottom of the screen.
It would also helpful and efficient if we can right click to select different graphs as opposed the the current way of selecting different graph layout. -
Leslie Jedrychowski commented
I use certain graph layouts to enter a stock trade, others to re-enter and buy more stock, and yet other graph layouts to confirm when to get out and sell. Having the name of the graph layout on the displayed graph will help me make certain I am in the right graph layout.
Leslie Jedrychowski commented
When I review a stock I like to look at it with many graph layouts, it would help to have the Graph layout name on the Graph
Leslie Jedrychowski commented
Agree, we are using more graph setups as time passes and sometimes we are looking at the right stock but with the wrong graph. It would help to have the selected Graph name somewhere on the graph.
Alan McKay commented
Whilst it may not be as simple as some are suggesting (due to every user having the ability to create hundreds of new layouts) if there was some way of highlighting the name of the open graph in the Graphs Layout section this would overcome the issue of not knowing which Graph you are in at any time.
Larry Hess commented
When one uses the selected graph layout, it is easy to forget which one you selected. It would be great if that selected layout could be shown above/below/adjacent to the graph layouts pull down tab.
Earle Howey commented
When a graph comes up on the screen The specific layout under graph layouts in the graph control panel is showing for that graph should be highlighted or some how identified so I know which layout is currently showing.
Manny Bhat commented
When we select Graph Layout, it is not highlighting – due to that it is very difficult to understand which layout we are on. So please update to appear when we select any Layout it has to highlight (any colour) would be fine.
Bert Dickenson commented
The goal would be to indicate the format for the graph currently in use. (versus "knowing" the format from prior experience)
Ian main commented
A simple implementation would be if it was added as a readonly 'parameter' with some radio buttons used to determine its position in the chart....this way you would not have to hardwire it in the main gui...and it would not consume real-estate on the gui for those that are not concerned about it. It also keeps it modularized.
Edward Glen Gibb commented
Or simply add the current selection to the label, "Graph Layouts."
Mark Crittenden commented
Vectorvest staff Please please consider this as it will prevent making changes to a setup I think i'm in but am not and will be a HUGE help. I would love to know which of several similar carts I am actually in. PLEEEEEEESE.
Allan Trucano commented
I fully agree. Showing the name of the layout somewhere on the graph would be super. The layout pull down list does show a color, but it needs to be higher contrast.
rjmac29 commented
I totally agree with this suggestion. Please make this a feature!!!
Pierre Hathaway commented
Simply marvelous idea-- I first asked for it about 4 years ago
Pierre Hathaway commented
I'm easy--please put a dot or something on the chart layout list to show the layout that is currently in USE
When I graph a stock, I'd like to see which graph layout has been chosen. I have 15 graph layouts, and I would like to see the name of the layout noted on the screen somewhere in order to avoid confusion.
Michael Leibel commented
This feature is badly needed.