Add column for next earning release date
Add a column for next earnings release date since timing of trade could be greatly impacted by earnings release and you may want to trade ahead of earnings or wait especially with the significant %changes we are seeing on earnings releases.

Earnings Release Dates have been added to the latest version of VectorVest 7! Earnings Release Dates are available in Graphs, UniSearch, Viewers, and Portfolios.
To learn more about this new release, check out the release notes:
This release will be rolled out to users this week. It can also be downloaded here:
Steven Ofner commented
New release only adds past earnings dates. That is not as helpful as FUTURE earnings date (as is done is Options Pro)
Richard Jansak commented
A column with the expected earnings announcement date would be a great addition.
Jim Patton commented
Somewhere post the future date of earnings release.