ATR custom field
Include more ProTrader parameters in the custom field builder. For example, I would like to divide current price by the 10d ATR. Many more useful searches could be created if all the VV standard fields could be utilized in the custom field builder it, and I would buy it.

Michael Ellis commented
The comments get a little esoteric, but adding a minimum of ATR (10) and ATR(14), the two most common periods, to the VV parameters would at least get the ball rolling. Users could then use the Custom Field Builder to build other algorithms of their choosing, like ATRP (Average True Range Percentage) (ATR/Actual Price), which would enable stock to stock comparison for volatility. BOTH ATR and ATRP should also be made available at the same time in Graph Layouts.
wyuchih commented
please include this search and make the suggestion web page more user friendly. as i am not sure whether i have posted the same topic several times or not. everytime i hit post an idea, i am being greeted with login windows and without telling whether i have successfully posted my message or not
Derek Goodyer commented
Add the capability to have many of the technical indicators available in VV such as ATR useable as custom columns in watch lists or portfolios. For example many would like to have VV calculate a trailing ATR stop or a Chales LeBeaus's Chandelier stop ( and display it in a watach list so it can then be changed where necessary with the broker. Fixed percentage stops such as 10% or 15% are not necessarily appropriate with stocks which have vastly diffirent volatilities.
Derek Goodyer commented
Would make it easy for traders to manage portfolios with VV calculating ATR based stops such as Chandilier with user able to change MA used in ATR calculation together with ATR multiple - e.g. tighten when markets starts to loose momentum.