Add the Portfolio name to any Alert that is sent
Add the Portfolio name to any Alert that is sent

All alerts sent through Portfolio Automation now contain the name of the portfolio as well as the holding that triggered the alert.
Scott Dowling commented
The Alert feature is awesome; but for those of us who trade different strategies and have multiple portfolios knowing which portfolio the alert was triggered in is highly needed.
Glenn Tompkins commented
a. If same stock exists in multiple portfolios it is not known in which portfolio the stop loss has been met.
b. For each Portfolio Alert I have to search through all my portfolios to find the stock. I have 10 active portfolios which means on an average I have to compare with over 50 stocks. -
Xavier Vetticappallil commented
I have 10 portfolio and an alert like
'Ikanos Comm (IKAN) has met the criteria of your alert (15.00 % Trailing Stop).'
Does not tell me in which portfolio it is. The alert should have the Portfolio name in it.