Price adjustments sometimes needed
There are occasions when a stock's price needs to be adjusted. VectorVest adjusts the historical price of a stock when a split occurs.
Another appropriate occasion for adjusting a stock's historical price is if a stock spins off one of its parts, such as happened with DHR on July 7, 2016. My brokerage immediately adjusted the historical price of this stock because the price, value, and other fundamentals of this stock remained unaffected. VectorVest, on the other hand, did not adjust the historical price, resulting in distortiaon of VectorVest's indicators (RV, RS, RT, VST, DY, etc.). This stock continues to perform very well, yet if it was in a VectorVest portfolio you would see it distorted result.
VectorVest can correct this problem by adjusting historical information when a stock splits off a component. VectorVest's graphs, indicators, and portfolios should correspond with what you get in real life at your broker.