Create search for Cup With Handle stocks for V V 7 Intraday
Create a new search in Unisearch to find stocks that match the "Cup with Handle" pattern, anticipating a breakout.

Robert Scotland commented
I am sure this would be a great addition. VV could then do a trial of the best way to use it and advise. It should work as IBD have made a business with this being one of their main indicators/selling points/systems.
Kurt Brissing commented
If you add pattern recognition to search function you might be able to charge for that feature like others currently do!
rjmac29 commented
I too think this would be a very useful addition and would like to use the search if it were made available.
Judith Linville commented
I think this would be a very useful addition and would use the search
Robert Kendig commented
I agree this is one of the most beneficial stock patterns to identify.
David Sturgess commented
Would be great if cup pattern search worked not just on price but on graphs of RT etc. I find stocks take off really well as RT crosses from below 1 to above 1 especially if cup or saucer formation had developed on RT first prior to crossing 1. Thanks.
Sharon Logue commented
sure would like Elliiott waves too, since lots of people trade off these patterns combined with the usual over sold overbought indicators
would make a good component with the the G/ R kicker and S and R levels on a chart, add fibs, and it's a really complete picture! call it VVTurbo pkg -
Shane Day commented
This would be a great asset.
Margo Courtney commented
Mike Minervini (highly successful US trader) uses the Cup with Handle pattern as part of his entry criteria. Woould love to see it added to VV strategies as a break-out pattern
Ken Holmes commented
I agree this chart pattern would be useful.
Steven Bukosky commented
Charting is such a useful feature of VV that adding searches for base patterns would be very attractive. These would not lend themselves to backtesting, but would be a step towards the holy grail of searches.
Rick Creecy commented
Would be a GREAT addition.
Cynthia Johnson commented
I became a member of VectorVest because of IBD. I feel that VectorVest could attract a lot of IBD subscribers by having a scan for cup with handle stocks. Please consider this. Thanks.