Create an RT Crossover similar to the MACD and RSI Crossovers.
Create an RT Crossover inquiry similar to the MACD and RSI crossover inquiries. Currently there is no ability to query the database of stocks to determine if the RT has crossed over (or under) the 1.0 value. This would seem to be a relatively easy enhancement to make

Stephen Kirk commented
I need to find those stocks with a MA crossover in the RT BEFORE I evaluate any other criteria. My other criteria can leave me with up to 150 stocks to subsequently evaluate down to between 3 and 5 stocks. If other comments are to be believed about this facility already existing in VV6, where's the difficulty? It's just MA behaviour on a different indicator.
Leslie Jedrychowski commented
Based on the Dr. Bart Diliddo's comments, we do need an RT crossover so we can identify quickly the exit and entry point when the 5 day MA (RT) crosses below or above the 40 day MA (RT)
Richard Hadlock commented
to Bruce Holmstrom: The strategy you refer to under Trends (Crossovers) is limited because you must specify a particular value of RT (RT=1 in the strategy). On the other hand, I want any RT if it crosses above its MA (you pick the MA). Then if you sort by RV/RT you can find stocks exploding off a bottom. For instance, you may find a stock with an RT = 0.52 exploding up; this is what bottom fishing is all about.
Here is another example: On 11/19/2012 Home Depot's (HD) RT crossed above its 15MA. I made a huge amount of $$ on this move (I bought Calls). But the RT went from 1.21 to 1.24. You cannot find this with the Trends (Crossover) in VV7. However, you can find it in VV6. I want to see VV7 have the same functionality as VV6 regarding RT Crossovers. -
Bruce Holmstrom commented
There is a search in the system that does what you are asking for it is under Trends (Crossovers) I'd like to see a search that checks for crossovers of the 10 and 15 day moving average of The RT if after all if it works for the GLB and RLS it should work for individual stocks as well.
Dennis Saturnino commented
Found RT crossover to indicate good time to buy.
Richard Hadlock commented
When RT crossover its 33 day MA, is a good time to buy long, no matter what the value of RT is. It is great for bottom fishing! This search is possible in VV6 but not VV7.