Include a new field which is the ROI (ROIC) and possibly ROE as well.
Dear sirs,
I have used VV since 2000. I am requesting that you add a data point field
that I believe would be of great value and benefit to all VV users. The
field is ROIC which is Return On Invested Capital. It is one of the most
significant factors in looking for persistent out-performers. It shows how
well the management does with the company assets.
I believe you get your specific data from Yahoo and Zack's but you may have
additional sources. I know Yahoo has the data point in their "Statistics"
on their stock research page. I presume but do not know is Zack's provides
it. I rather imagine Fact set provides it.
In addition to using the ROIC value in a search looking at the trend of it
in chart form over years would also be of great value. It is likely a
number that changes quarterly.
Thank you,
David E. Eachus
VV Elite User

David Eachus commented
This data is available from Yahoo Finance and Market Watch. I imagine Zacks provides it as well but I do not subscribe to them as I have VV.