Portfolios - Able to change Stop, Shares, Cost Basis
You can accurately recreate your actual portfolio by entering the number of shares and the price you paid when adding the trades to the portfolio.
Just make sure the correct Commission fee is entered into the Portfolio’s settings to make each holding’s cost basis calculate correctly.
AdminTimothy McGrath (Admin, VectorVest) commented
Jarold, to set the price of the position when selling make sure that you are clicking on the Add Trade button above the portfolio graph. In the Add Trade dialog, in the Trade Type dropdown, choose Sell Long. You can then choose the stock you want to sell, the Trade Time you want to sell at, and you can type in any Price to sell at. If you would rather use the market price for the Trade Time you chose, click Get Price instead.
If you want to modify a transaction you have already made, you can click on the Reports button above the portfolio graph, and select View Transaction Log. You can then click on any of the listed transactions and click Edit. You can then edit the Trade Time of the trade, the Price per share of the trade, and the Quantity traded.
Let us know if this works for you or not.
Jarold Richardson commented
Thanks Timothy for your feedback. Everything works fine until I sell a position from my portfolio. You are not allowed to enter the price that you sold at........it appears to use the price at the time you update the position in VV. Thanks again.
Jarold Richardson commented
I setup my personal holdings in Portfolios by simply adding Shares and Cost Basis. The ability to edit these amounts, as well as, add and change individual Stop Prices would make this a great tracking tool for positions already owned that are not part of a VV Strategy.