Personal Notation area on home page
I am a new user, and would love to have on the front page an area I could make notes that I could review when I am on the front page.
For example, I just learned that a bottom is defined when the:
MTI: is below .60, and the BSR is below .20
If I could make this note on the front page, then when I looked at the MTI & BSR they would have greater meaning for me.
Love the web site, wish I had found you sooner, Glad I am on board now, by the way, you support team is the BEST!!!!
I would rather talk to a human, than send an e-mail trying to explain my problem, because many times I am not sure what the problem is.
Keep up the good work.
Frederick Prince
Cape Elizabeth Maine

BEN TAN commented
i am new to vectorvest. how do i create and open to my personal home page via mobile computer