Show ATR as a % Make price moving average available in Custom Field builder
I use ATR to signal buy/sell. Right now it can only be used as a unit value. Making it available as a % of moving average price would make it easier to see a move in price volatility. Also make it available as a search criteria in Unisearch and in Custom field builder
Make price moving average available in Custom Field as well as you do in Charts

Michael Ellis commented
To clarify a little, adding a minimum of ATR (10) and ATR(14), the two most common periods, to the VV search/field parameters would at least get the ball rolling. Users could then use the Custom Field Builder to build other algorithms of their choosing, like ATRP (Average True Range Percentage) (ATR/Actual Price), which would enable stock to stock comparison for volatility. BOTH ATR and ATRP should also be made available at the same time for Graph Layouts, so it would like in the attachment.