Allow Sell Transaction To Be Applied To Selected Buy Transaction As In VV^
- Buy 100 shares in BHP
- Buy 95 shares in BHP
- Buy 130 shares in BHP
- Sell 95 shares in BHP
In VV6, when I Sell the 95 BHP shares, VV6 displays a dialog asking me which
of the three Buy transactions I want to apply the Sell transaction to and I
can select Transaction 2, leaving transaction 1 and 3 alone.
In VV7, the selection dialog doesn't appear and just seems to apply the Sell
against the combined Buy transactions; or, probably transaction 1.
This results in an incorrect summary of my real position in the Portfolio
Information window.

Roger McMurtrie commented
I recommend that this VV6 feature should be incorporated into VV7.
Roger McMurtrie commented
As In VV^ should be As In VV6