Unisearch Strategies and Folders
There are maybe over 200 strategies in Unisearch. When these are referred to in Derby or SOTW etc., it is so frustrating and time consuming to locate them under the correct folder in Unisearch. In addition there are some strategies in Derby that do not appear to be in Unisearch.Some users have suggested either a Search button or an additional "Folder" column in Derby. I would like instead that Vector Vest prepares an Excel or pdf format table. The first column would be the Name of the Strategy, the second column, the appropriate Folder in Unisearch, the third column will indicate Long or Short and the fourth column would be the price limitations (if any) per the strategy e.g < $2, <$5, > $5, $5-$15 etc. Alternatively 2 tables could be created, one for Long and one for Short. The Excel/pdf files could be made available in printable form under an appropriate tab.
This would help users quickly access the recommended strategy which is also in keeping with an individual's requirements regarding prices of stocks he or she would prefer to purchase. It would also eliminate the crazy searching for strategies that is often needed