Add notes to stocks in WatchLists
My second suggestion came about after I was able to determine the reason for the dip I returned to my watchlist and wanted to make a note of my findings and attach it to this stock in my watchlist for future reference a note like (stock dipped following earnings report possible profit taking) [suggestion] why not add the ability to add notes to a stock in the watchlist?

Stephen Wegman commented
The note function is out of date. There should be an icon on an individual stock signifying there is a note attached to the screen. The note function should have at least elementary word processing capabilities. Why keep notes in a book, when you can have them attached to a stock? Everything you need to know should be able to be placed on a stocks screen
Andrew Saxby commented
The ability to insert a URL into this note area would also be very useful, that once it is clicked it would open something like MS OneNote on a particular section or page, for those of us (me) who have lots of notes to reference
Howard Beckett commented
Also add notes to cash deposits and withdrawals in portfolio manager. For exmple, this withdrawal was due to MDR from my IRA.
Marcel Busslinger commented
I use the Fidelity Active Trader Program all day long. It has the flexibility a trader needs. All stocks are available and the Note Column is most valuable. It ties in to the actual accounts and has ample Watch list capability. A source for additional ideas for VectorVest
rjmac29 commented
I too would find this capability very helpful!!
Terrence Kulasa commented
Instead of a tiny note in the drawing tools of Graphs, which interfere with the Graph and are not that large, when one right clicks on a stock, we should have access to a full size note pad in which we can type fundamentals, comments on the CEO, insider buying, our own ratios such as book value, price/cashflow etc.
Marcel Busslinger commented
Notes which can accept any number and letters would be perfect
Gregory Rothrock commented
I agree. I would like to be able to make a note on why I am adding a particular stock to a watch list.
Anthony Marra commented
Add the ability to put editable notes in for a stock in a portfolio. For example, I might want to enter the source for the stock recommendation, or a reminder to do somthing concerning this stock. A right click would be very convenient.
Raymond VanHoorebeke commented
Add notes to stocks in portfolio's, I like to keep track of why I originally bought a stock and where i found it. Also marketconditions when I bought a stock....currently I have to do this in Excel. Would be nice to be able to keep track of everything right on Vector Vest.
CWd commented
Helps with planned trading
Bob Turner commented
Absolutely Agree. My trading platform has an optional "Notes" column on the same line with every equity in all portfolios and watch lists. Whether for recording or updating research tidbits and events, trading or just glancing down the list looking for a particular bit of information (such as "Buy under 52.50, Stop 47,23, Exit 62.50") I'd be lost without my notes. I'd surely make costly mistakes trying to save time THINKING I remember important details found in Vector Vest.
James Gustafson commented
I would like to date and append "my" notes to a stock which ride with that stock, whether or not I own it, so that I can remember by "research" results and reasons for buying or selling a stock. Thanks. JWG
Don Hopper commented
This should be available on all screens espiecially in portfolios!
James Hamby commented
I agree. Presently I attach a note on the graph.
Michael Bracewell commented
Given the stocks in my portfolio I have determined through research a target price. At or near that price I may want to tighten my stop loss limits.The most versatile way to implement this is for both viewers and portfoliio is to define a new "notes" field in the field list that just takes user supplied text. I can then add that field to any view and position it in any column. This would seem to be the easiest and most flexible way to implement it.
Steven Bukosky commented
As I'm searching for my next good buy, I'd like to keep notes tagged to them in my watchlist so I can recall specifics about them.
Patricia Kerr commented
This is very important to me as I keep track of my stops and other info on the notes on VV 6 and will not be able to stop using VV6 if this feature is not added to VV7.
Harold Nicholson commented
This would be very helpful to monitor price changes overtime instead of going to a graph
Earle Howey commented
I too would find this capability very helpful
ET Howey