Add Ex Dividend Date
you give lots of data on the spreadsheets including dividend yeild but you dont give dividend dates. to be more streamlined, so investors dont have to search the net for the info, it would be nice to include at least the ex dividend date

Dividend Dates are now available in the latest update to VectorVest 7 which is currently being rolled out.
Ex-Dividend Dates and Dividend Payout Dates can be accessed in three ways.
For a printable list of dividend dates, use the new Dividends Viewer in the Viewers tab.
To view historic Dividend Ex-Dates and Payout Dates in a graph, click on the Dividends button at the bottom-left of a graph.
To run a search for stocks with upcoming Dividend Dates in Unisearch, use the new field Dividend (Ex-Date) in the Dividend Analysis group.
Let us know what you think of this new feature and vote for other ideas, so we can continue to add the features you want….
Pesi Dumlavwalla commented
Since you included Dividend date, now it would be nice to add earnings date.
Earnings date are important if you are going to buy new stocks. Please consider adding earnings date also.
Thank you,
Pesi Dumlavwalla -
Shimon commented
Thank you very Much! I like this new feature, it is easy and clever to use!
Well done.Shimon Braun
Kevin Cohen commented
While you are at it, it would be great to get the record date and declare date in addition to the ex-date and pay date.
Shimon commented
Exellent! please show it also on the graphs as already requested by others
Thank You
Shimon Braun -
Gary Derouin commented
Thank You
Leonard Mailloux commented
As an income investor I think this would be a great idea as I have to logout of VV to find this information before I make a purchase.
Lee Harp commented
I would like to be able to change the ma number on MACD, SIGNAL LINE, and HISTOGRAM when creating a search and also on the graph.
James Maitland commented
Go to and go down to the 9th link on that page. It gives a lot of great dividend info.
Preston Humphries commented
Needed on the graphs too.
Frank Kesselman commented
needed for 2*4
Ken Robinson commented
John Rominger commented
Needs ex-dvidend dates
Rahul Kukreja commented
Would be nice if the dividends and splits are adjusted in the portfolio automatically instead of a manual entry
Wilbert Kempen commented
With 2X4 stratagy this would help with the when to get in and make it a one stop info shop currently to pole each sock is time conssuming.
Gavin Sammarco commented
We really need this information to trade effectively, please add this as soon as you can. Thanks.
Claude Chaulk commented
I enjoyed the Vector Vest but this was one deciding factor why I never bought the program.
One needs the divident & Ex-divident dates to make a decision witout having to pull every stock on an indepedent basis.
Claude -
Nancy Nallin commented
AGREED! This will be a popular addition, especially in light of recent Covered Call strategies that incorporate holding through Ex-Div dates.
Jerald Cogswell commented
I have suggested this feature, too. Great for option traders, and for those who need to know that a high-yield stock will go down tomorrow by the amount of the generous dividend.
Jon Tabakin commented
We also could use the ex-dividend date on the stock graphs/
George Koch commented
Great improvement