'Reconciling' portfolios - movement of funds between portfolios
I have five portfolios which are actually real time Schwab portfolios. I make ever effort to make sure that every transaction actually made in Schwab is 'mirrored' in VV as otherwise, reconciliation is impossible. Funds are sometimes moved from one account to another or to and from a bank checking account and a Schwab account. I would like VV to provide a 'memo' field in the portfolio ledger so that we can 'remember' why or where funds were moved. This field can be hidden unless it is brought 'forward' to be viewed.
Example: I have a Schwab account which is used specifically for budgeting of estimated taxes. Because I had over-budgeted and therefore had a tax refund coming, I was able to move shares from my estimated tax account in Schwab which is the same as my VV portfolio. The two accounts had my same social security number so I could journal the shares over to the 2nd account without having to trade them. Whereas the Schwab history shows the funds being 'journaled', when it came to making that move in the VV portfolio, I had to actually sell the shares in one account / 'withdraw' the funds from that account / turn around and 'deposit those same monies in the 2nd account / purchase those same shares in the 2nd account. But if I wasn't exactly precise and some time later realize that the cash on hand doesn't match up, trying to go back and reconcile the funds is REALLY time consuming. If I had been able to keep notes in my VV portfolio files, this would not have been so time consuming.
If you have no experience in trying to maintain accuracy in the portfolio ledgers, you can't appreciate the issue here. It is as important in real time such as in your actual brokerage account as it is in your VV files because if you don't have the funds available, then the computer program is not going to let you make paper trades in your VV portfolio.