Create the ability to add stocks to already existing portfolios in VV7
We need an add to portfolio button just like we have an add to Watchlist button.

Kevin Hallman commented
This option in the unisearch tool would greatly assist in manually backtesting an investment strategy using a specific search criteria. A right-click option should allow you to choose an existing portfolio & then bring up the "Add a trade" dialog box - it could then auto-enter (default) the stock symbol & date of trade from the date in the unisearch screen. I am testing a new strategy & manually going back in time to test out. I tried the Backtester but cannot get the enter/exit strategies to properly match what I would manually do based on visualizing the graphs. It currently takes a long time to manually switch screens for all the stock trades - adding this option would save significant time overall for backtesting.
Howard Beckett commented
An "Add to Portfolio" entry in the "right Click" menu would definitely be nice. However, it IS more complicated than "add to watchlist". VV would basically have to take you to a pick the portfolio list and then to the "add a trade" dialog box in "Portfolio Manager" where you would need to enter whether you are long or short, quantity to buy/sell date, price, commision, etc. VV would have to do a lot of programming to save the user 8-9 clicks/keystrokes.
Norm Sash commented
In addition to an "add to portfolio" button available from a unisearch list of stocks, we need both "add to watchlist" and "add to portfolio" options added when viewing graphs. That way if I'm viewing the graph of a stock I should be able to right click in the graph and be able to directly add that stock to a watchlist or portfolio. When right clicking in a graph we should have a list of actions available similar to the right click action when viewing a stock displayed in a unisearch list.