Add BSR column to sector / industry viewer
Add the BSR rating to the industry and sector viewer pages and also add this as a field for use in Unisearch. This would allow additional flexibility in using industry/sector in selecting stocks.

Howard Beckett commented
I agree with Ed Stead's comment that the suggestion should be two- one that addresses the sector and industry viewers and one that affects the unisearch capability.
Arthur Crapsey commented
This is existing functionality in Prographics 6.0 It enables a well documented approach broadly shared in the user community when performing Sector and Industry analysis.
Harold Nicholson commented
BSR should also be added as a graphing capability for sector analysis
Harold Nicholson
Edy Stedd commented
I believe this suggestion should be split into 2 suggestions as adding the BSR as a search field seems an entirely different task than adding a BSR rating to the industry and sector viewers.
Ed S. -
Paul Stobbe commented
it's a major part in my timing of sectors and industries. please,please thankyou