Allow VV7 to remember the password
Must I key in my password every time I start VV7 software?
Wahid Saleemi commented
Better yet, make it password-less (this is the latest security trend) by integrating it with Authy, Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator and/or LastPass Authenticator.
Ron Ingram commented
If it would be possible to modify the login form so it can interact with LastPass that would be my preference. Otherwise consider putting a "remember creds" checkbox on the login form, allowing users to specify their preferences without interfering with others.
Harland Hendrickson commented
Yes that would be very nice since I only access VV7 from one computer!
Frank Meyer commented
Good feature to add, and should be easy and low cost to do.
Ken Holmes commented
I agree we need a check box for those that want to sve the password.
Timothy McGrath commented
Xavier, please add the remember password suggestion to the VectorVest Mobile forum if you are interested in it for the iPhone:
You get 10 fresh votes on the Mobile forum, so you don't need to worry about Mobile votes taking away from your VectorVest 7 votes.
Xavier Vetticappallil commented
Real pain on the iPhone to re-enter PWD.