Provide much more ACTUAL training for the price
I'm constantly bombarded with misleading advertising from VV for 'training'. When I was a new customer, I made the mistake of taking the bait, thinking that for nearly $1K/year, training in how to optimally use your tool was included. I was wrong.
Every single time I was naïve enough to think that, I found that your offers of 'training' (yes, even the 'FREE' training) were nothing more than a disguised bait-and-switch attempt to solicit users to pay you several thousand dollars more to actually GET training. Maybe you should include training in the product cost and stop trying to upsell and nickel and dime your customers.
Considering the tons of limitations the product has (nearly EVER request I've made has been met with a 'sorry we can't' response), and the fact that you don't simply provide the full functionality for a single price is bad enough.
Bottom line: provide more VALUE for the price and you'll probably attract more customers, and thus increase your revenues without trying to nickle and dime your customers.