Make the RealTime system available in Canada

VectorVest 7 Canada is now available in both Intraday and RealTime!
Use the following link to upgrade:
AdminTimothy McGrath (Admin, VectorVest) commented
We may do beta testing with VectorVest 7 Canada.
If we do, I'll let you know, Andre.
I will update this post if we are looking for more beta testers. -
Andre J. commented
Are you guys planing to do some beta testing with the users before the production version is released? I hope you'll say yes.
Timothy McGrath commented
David, I can't give a time for when it will be done yet.
However, we are actively working on this right now, and should have more information soon.
David Hiebert commented
Thanks for working on this Tim! Any idea of how long until it will be done?
luis rego commented
Desktop application fuctions are better then online fuctions.
Doug Kalman commented
Please ensure that you provide Derby capability to your VV Canada RealTime product. As Canadian Stocks are surely relevant to US investors, why is the service provided up here second class? Aren't we paying as much for our service in Canada?
Dave Cameron commented
I am glad to see that this is coming.. Now , if only the markets would coporate with me to pay for real time. :)
John Stephens commented
Glad to see this is planned!
Andre J. commented
It's been 11 months since I've asked this question. Here it comes again : Do you have real palns to introduce VectorVest7 RealTime and/or Intraday for Canadian market? In the IT industry if no date is set, that means nothing is going to be done. So, do you have a time frame or not? There is obviously work being done to provide VV7 on mobile devices, etc., so why is it that needs of Canadian Investors (Customers) are getting forgotten.
I use VV daily, however, the issue with not having the ability to work with RealTime system becomes apparent more and more.
Thank you. -
Ronald Schwab commented
The Canadian TSX is less diversified than the US stock market focusing primarily on resource and financial stocks. Having VV 7 as a platform to screen and track these often highly volatile stocks would be tremendously helpful. Please make this a high priority to increase the functunality and attractiveness of your Canadian market. Many thanks ....
Ed Astell commented
Complete with support/resistance-fantastic
Van Campbell commented
Many US investors and US research companies focus on the Canadian resource market.....I think both the TSX and the TSX Venture exchange would be of interest to US Real Time users....why not poll them to confirm interest...we anxiously await availability of VV 7-Real Time in Canada.......
Robert Rawlings commented
We are Canadian subscribers to VV and use it daily. But the short coming is not being able to get REAL TIME that would us assist us with the Canadian stocks, especially those on the TSX. When in 2010 will REAL TIME for Canadian Stocks be available?
william sheldon commented
This feature omission is without a doubt affecting your subscription sales. How a serious investor can operate without real time feeds is difficult to understand. I am presently evaluating VV for possible enrollment and I am considering purchasing only because your sales staff promised that Real Time would be available to clients sometime in 2010 midyear. Can I count on this?
Andre J. commented
Please, consider adding TSX (that would be the minimum) to Stock Exchanges in the Vector Vest 7 - Real Time. I can not imagine that this is not going to benefit VV financially. I'd appreciate if we can get a response for this request.
Stephan Fanfara commented
You can create a watchlist of Canadian interlisted stocks that trade on the NYSE and the NASDAQ then add the watchlist to whatever search you're's a link to Canadian stocks on the NYSE...
And on the NASDAQ.......