add the ability to set stop-losses for individual securities in portfolios
It would be nice if you could set and adjust stop-loss parameters for individual securities in a portfolio, rather than just the overall portfolio.
This way you could give a larger stop-loss percentage to the more volatile positions, and a a smaller to the more conservative.

This feature is now available by right-clicking on a holding and choosing Edit Stop Criteria.
Douglas Hober commented
Tim, found it - Genius apparently has to be turned on. Stop only allows one criteria. Would like to have alerts for multiple criteria on each stock.
Douglas Hober commented
Tim, I tried this and no such feature shows up in the right-click menu.???? Doug
Herb Nickel commented
Please incorporate also the stops for stocks which are sold short. We will need it when we follow the “sure fire success”.
eric suss commented
Can you add the capability to set a stop for a stock if the MTI > 1.55?
Can we possibly add a or condition to allow multiple criterias?
Can we allow the stock to be stopped based on a custom field?
Victor Bavaro commented
If you are looking at setting stops based on the volatility of each stock try using a multiple (usually 3x or 4x) of the ATR (Average True Range).
Ron Watson commented
A great idea! I tend to look at stops based on support, resistance or trend lines on individual stocks. I would like the ability to set my own stop alert on VV, rather than the automated ones with the brokerage.
Andrew Schmidt commented
In addition, please add the ability to Reset a trailing-stop alert that has been triggered on an individual stock. If I have portfolio automation set to generate an alert only (no trade), and then decide to not act on that alert, there should be a way to reenable the alert to keep guarding the stock.
Larry Halpin commented
I agree 100%. I would extend the suggestion to have the ability to select individual strategies AND individual stops within a portfolio. I see Tim McGrath's comments that when we switch from auto to manual modes, the stops are reset. If that's the case, we need individual portfolios for EACH Stock and that's defeats the entire purpose of a portfolio.
Timothy McGrath commented
Xavier, I am going to merge this suggestion with a suggestion to allow automation to be controlled on the individual stocks within a portfolio. I believe that feature would fix the issue you are having.
Xavier Vetticappallil commented
Can the bugs be copied over to the bug database and my Vote returned :) ?
Xavier Vetticappallil commented
When I adjust the price of one stock with the actual price from the broker, it resets the stop loss on all stocks. I don't want to reset the trailing stop loss on the stocks I did not adjust.
Timothy McGrath commented
You are correct that when you flip to Manual Mode and then back to Automation it will reset all the stop losses.
Are you trying to adjust the price you paid for just one stock and you want to only reset the stop losses for that one stock?
We do not currently have the functionality to set up automation on each individual stock in a portfolio. Would that fix this issue for you?
Thanks for the feedback!
Timothy McGrath
Software Developer -
Xavier Vetticappallil commented
When is this bug getting fixed?
Each time the trade log is updated to the actual sales price, all trailing stop loses are reset makeing them useless. -
Timothy McGrath commented
The VectorVest 7 Download page is at: -
Xavier Vetticappallil commented
And where is the VV7 download page?
Arthur Christensen commented
Agree 100% Art Christensen