Add Strategy to the Portfolio Summary Report
For the basic Portfolio Summary Report, the Strategy used should be added to the report, along with all the parameters of the strategy.
This will be quite helpful when comparing numerous results for both live and back testing (and eliminates having to put it within the Remarks or Title of the Portfolio).

Howard Beckett commented
Adding a "comments" column to the Portfolio Layout and allowing users to add up to 80 characters of comment per portfolio entry would do much the same and it would allow you to have stocks bought under different strategies to co-exist in one portfolio. This is much like the idea of separate stops for individual stocks in a portfolio. The comment field could also help as a place to add other notes such as "Add 100 shares on a pullback to $78."
Ron Watson commented
I currently double enter everything into an account portfolio and also into a strategy portfolio. I can then look at my holdings as a strategy and also as the brokerage account. This idea would sure help streamline my data entering, and my information feedback.
Christopher Boast commented
good idea