Pay more attention to the short term technical signals.
Your essay this week centered on why your buy signals were not as profitable as they should have been. I noticed that your buy or sell signals coinside with overbought or oversold technical signals not the buyng of your subscribers. Check daily and weekly bolenger bands, commodity index and slow stacstics to see what I am refering to. I will demonstrate if you wish. I have recommended your sevice as a great search engine and have been very successful with several approaches. Channel breakout variations, bolenger reversals both bear and bull, industry delta, with stock selection within industries. Refining the search further I buy stocks with a small float to get the most bang for the buck. Unfortunately I am not technically adept at setting up stratergies within your program. If I could work with one of your programmers I am sure we could set technical signals in concert with your stratergies to avoid the concerns of your subscribers. David Leibowitz