Create simple links to excel spreadsheets to access all data, eliminate time consuming hunt and peck data retrival

Kent Bryan commented
Dr. D states I wanted it to be fast, smart and easy to use and could be accessed with a single click of a mouse. “Nevertheless, many of our subscribers found it to be complicated and difficult to use” quote (Apr 2014). It is not that it is so difficult to use as it is cumbersome and maze like to operate and ends up being a time consuming black hole. 50% to 75% of customer requests would be significantly satisfied and in some cases completely addressed if we could get the data by downloading canned spreadsheets via links. The current export to spreadsheet is problematic and laborious. Please implement this as your information is great and we need data faster and easier to use. I have been user for many years but have been unable to capitalize on information as I work full time and do not have the needed time to keep up on all the information.