RT percentile in Stock, Industry and Sector based on the 52 week RT range
I would like to see a column with the percentile of the 52 week RT range. Take the 52 week high RT and subtract the 52 week low RT which gives a range. Then take the RT today and subtract the RT low and divide the result by the 52 week RT range and multiply by 100 (to give a nice round number).

Duane Bokhart commented
I we could at least get a RT ranking like in the Industry viewer it would help and we could manipulate this. I realize that in a previous version there was a ranking in the stock viewer that just didn't work right but maybe tech has inproved.
We could then see what stocks/instruments are moving up and down in ranking, maybe by percentiles ?
Steven Bukosky commented
Options traders are familiar with volatility percentile. RT percentile is much like it. The Buy low and sell high strategy. Richard and I were looking at some "Cheap Blue Chip" stocks and those with a low RT percentile are often in or dropping into a demand zone where it is ideal to make an entry into the trade. It's been almost four years since the request.
Mark Balkman commented
I have seen some demonstrations of the power of this possibility through manual spreadsheets at the Lake Geneva user's group. Since RT is a proprietary tool unique to Vectorvest, why not make this unique parameter and the Vectorvest trading system even more effective by amplifying the power of RT.
Howard Solomon commented
This looks like it could be a big help in looking for the winners.
Roger Van Boxtel commented
This would serve as a great tool. It would also be a time saver
Roger Woitas commented
If you are from another group in other states-vote for this feature-it will enhance your over-all performance. It can get you into winning trades.
Roger Woitas -
Steven Bukosky commented
This concept was just presented to me. I see that it would be huge. Please get it done!
Steven Bukosky commented
This concept was just presented to me. I see that it would be a hugely useful tool.
Donald Ogden commented
I'm out of votes, but I would like to see this added also.
Richard Bishop commented
I don't see any reason we couldn't do much more with this percentile if we can get VV to add it to our database. Thanks for the votes. -
Curtis Dolny commented
Since this suggestion involves finding the high and the low values of RT over a range, can you also develop and expose these Min() and Max() functions for use in building custom indicators? This would add additional value to VV well beyond simply implementing this request. Or please advise if this comment should be a separate request to be voted on.
Define Min() as follows: Min() would require three parameters. Min = minimum value of a numeric attribute over some number of periods of type PeriodType. Argument 1 should be any numeric attribute (RT, RS, RV, MTI, CI, Price, Volume, etc), not just RT. Argument 2 is the number of periods and should be configurable from 1 to some large number (at least 99 and preferrably much higher). Argument 3 is the PeriodType and can be Days or Weeks.
A similer definition for Max() should be established as well.
This suggestion needs Min(RT,52,Weeks) and Max(RT,52,Weeks).
I am looking for the ability to use these Min() and Max() functions for the other numeric attributes that VV provides for Stocks, Industries, Sectors and the VVC itself. This suggestion has much potential as is. Since some min and max function is needed to implement this suggestion, I think developing and exposing Min() and Max() functions as I describe would really add value and potential for us Users.And while we are at it, why stop at Min() and Max()? How about statistical functions such as Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, etc, as well?
Paul Johnson commented
Very useful, time saving and will be a welcome add on.
Deepak Mansukhani commented
This is a Great Idea, will save lot of Math computations on Spreadsheet and enable the column to be used in Custom Fields and/or any other sort of the VV System.
Howard Goldberg commented
Seems to me that this would be extremely useful and, I suspect, not very hard for VectorVest to put in. I cannot see a downside. I hope that this can be done.
Erwin Garris commented
This would be a great enhancement to the powerful RT ! It would be easy to add this one.
Please, lets do it. -
Horst Pimmler commented
to identify those stocks/sectors/industries with the highest potential for growth