Backtest Delete
In Intraday Backtest: Please add a feature to delete more than one item at a time. Deleting each one individually takes allot of time.

Deleting multiple backtests is available in version 1.2.1 of VV7
Tom Rickenbacker commented
The vote on this one is artifically low since few will vote for something that is tagged as "planned." Consider moving from the "planned" column to the "completed" column even though this is not a request for a technical indicator but for something to make backtesting a tad less tedious. (It seems that requests for technical indictors are those that VV finds most attractive to work on.)
"Planned" is what the request for adding totals to the Simulator/Variator got -- a year and five months ago. Somewhere along the line, the promise morphed into something that may appear when a Simulator is written for VV7 "someday." (Someday is going to be one heckuva busy day for the planet.)
Roy McNamara commented
Harriet has the right idea. AND!!!! In addition, I would like to see The ability to make other changes to the back tests en-mass. To be able to mark certain backtests (with perhaps the Ctrl Key) and change multiple backtests in one shot would prevent alot of tedious one by one changes to see results. I love backtests but it is a very slow sometimes and this feature would allow one to mark them, hit run and have all updated.