I want to know what stocks to buy today, not what you though about the stock the day before.
I want Vector Vest to tell us what stocks are hot now on the current trading day, in other words, I would like to see daily recomendations on what to buy and price target.

This functionality is available in the VectorVest 7 RealTime and Intraday platforms. If you are currently using VectorVest 7 End-Of-Day please contact us to upgrade your subscription
Kenneth Reed commented
Sounds like you want to review capabilities of VV RealTime
Luis Lucero commented
VectorVest has the system all I do is look for most active stocks
most $ gainers and the most looser stocks
and from that I look for the best recommended high VV
also I look for value
the rest is technical charts and volumes -
Richard Hadlock commented
You can see today what you should buy if you use VV Real Time or VV Intraday.