4485 results found
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Unable to view portfolios only get a vectovest error message 339
Unable to view portfolios only get a vectovest error message 339
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I would like to see a search for support/ resistance ratios compared to current price
I would like to see at least a 2 to 1 ratio of the distance from the current price to the resistance line vs. the support line. The parameter would have to look like this:
(resistance price - act price) / (act price - support price) with an operator > and a value of 2.1 vote -
Update final date in Portfolio Manager & Backtests.
VV6 has a limit to the final date in Portfolio Manager.Needed for backtest. e.g Search June11th Buy June12th10 through to Sell June22nd10.
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fix a bug in the Portfolio manager
In portfolio manager, when trying to sell long, I choose my stock from the drop down list, but when I hit OK, or apply it gives a warning that I cannot sell it as I don't currently own it.
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In the UniSearch, a custom built field does not move with realtime
I created a program in UniSearch that was centered around a custom field. Because the field did not move in realtime like RT and Price, it rendered the program useless. If I sort by the custom field in stock viewer, it does move in realtime. The problem is I don't want all the stocks in the VVC, only the ones from my UniSearch program. Hope you can make custom built fields move in realtime in UniSearch.
Thanks, Kevin Williams1 vote -
color guard
is it possible (should be) to be able to pick ramdom dates from the c/g? ie;
Being able to take a look at 3,6 or a year in a trend & then be able to match it up to
the MTI graph!1 vote -
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Update the information on CCE. The stop-price is now nonsense after they paid recently USD 10.
see title
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Have charts for profits not just price.
Profits sometimes to not track price and viceversa especially when the overall market is volitile.
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Which seach is my stock located
It would be great to have a way to know which search(es) within Unisearch a particular stock is located.
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Unisearch prompt jumps up rather than to the right
In Unisearch (VV-7), when you are creating a new search, the prompt moves improperly. E.G. after selecting a parameter you expect the cursor (prompt) to move to the right to the Operator field. Instead, the cursor jumps UP to the previously entered parameter field
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In personal custom fields and in the VectorVest custom fields maintain the list in alphabetic order
In personal custom fields and in the VectorVest custom fields maintain the list in alphabetic order. I.e. to divide GPE by VST it would say +GPE / VST and to divide VST by GPE it would be /GPE * VST. Note: the firdt operator (+,-,*,/) is ignored by the sort tool - where ther is no first operator, the + sign would be inserted. ie. to subtract RV from RS it would say +RS -RV; to subtract RS from RV it would say -RS +RV. This way, the field names are always in alphabetic order from left to right.
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Position Management in Back Tester and Porfolios
Add the ability to add to an existing position (e.g. Double Down) and liquidate a partial position
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- Don't see your idea?