314 results found
Add Google translate option to allow the ability to change the language option in all databases. Only Hong Kong has this option currently.
Add Google translate option to allow the ability to change the language option in all databases. Only Hong Kong has this option currently.
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3 votes
Create audio version of the daily color guard report for listening while driving
Could you please create an audio version of the daily color guard report (e.g. podcast or mp3 or enable downloading of the current mp4) ? This would be real amenable to my lifestyle / long commute to work.
1 vote -
Allow Re-wind feature for Videos
When watching any VV videos, I am unable to rewind and watch any given time segment again. I have to do this sometimes if I feel an important point has been made and I want to make sure I understand it properly by viewing that portion of the video once more, or if I am distracted momentarily. Perhaps, more 'control' can be given to users so that they can go back or fast forward even. As it is, the only way for me to go back and listen to the desired portion is to go through the entire video.
2 votes -
Email Daily Updates
Push the daily updates to the subscriber base - or at least allow subscribers the option to receive daily updates via email.
People travel - greater convenience. Can even receive on their
phone.1 vote -
Post stock splits quicker.
I recently had a situation where a stock split on the day I sold it. Since the split was not posted for several hours, recording the transaction was a problem.
1 vote -
Distinguish VV7 platforms from Can/US
When VV7 canada & VV7us are open and minimized you do not know which one to open for which country. When you hover over the icion they both read the same. You have to guess or open one to find out if you are in the right country. Needs to show the country. thanks for your help.
Jack Uzun
2 votes -
Make font size adjustable, especially in Color Guard charts.
Please make font size adjustable in all grids/areas, especially Color Guard charts. The font is way too small and unclear in some areas.
4 votes -
Can you create the ability to download the weekly strategies. At times I have no access to the internet, and I would love to be able review
Can you c reate the ability to download the weekly strategies. At times I have no access to the internet, and I would love to be able review them at any time. this will also allow me to learn better how to use the strategies.
1 vote -
My Feedback
I just found VV in Aug 2011, when I first wanted to get into learning trading stocks. VV's ongoing webinars has helped me learn the market basics and has taught me the correct way to analyse and trade. The Market timing graph and entire MT system, plus Views helps me know what to do. I swear by the searches and the top rated VV Stock list. And so on and so on. I've been mostly studying it all and papertrading since August, while coming up with some more capital. But now I'm in the game full time. So far I…
1 vote -
In order to work properly with Internet Explorer 9, VectorVest has automatically updated your browser settings.
You must close and re-open Internet Explorer for these settings to take effect.
This fixes a bug that was introduced in the initial release of Internet Explorer 9. Microsoft is aware of the issue, and we are working with them on a permanent resolution. Once a permanent resolution is in place, we will automatically revert your browser settings back to their original state.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and this will be the only time you will be prompted to restart you browser while…
1 vote -
In order to work properly with Internet Explorer 9, VectorVest has automatically updated your browser settings.
You must close and re-open Internet Explorer for these settings to take effect.
This fixes a bug that was introduced in the initial release of Internet Explorer 9. Microsoft is aware of the issue, and we are working with them on a permanent resolution. Once a permanent resolution is in place, we will automatically revert your browser settings back to their original state.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and this will be the only time you will be prompted to restart…
1 vote -
Get rid of this issue: In order to work properly with Internet Explorer 9, VectorVest has automatically updated your browser settings.
Get rid of this message and fix the problem:
In order to work properly with Internet Explorer 9, VectorVest has automatically updated your browser settings.You must close and re-open Internet Explorer for these settings to take effect.
This fixes a bug that was introduced in the initial release of Internet Explorer 9. Microsoft is aware of the issue, and we are working with them on a permanent resolution. Once a permanent resolution is in place, we will automatically revert your browser settings back to their original state.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and this will be the only time…
1 vote -
Do you ever have oridnary people check out just how damn hard it is to log on to your site?
When a member tried to log on, do not hit them with a lot of irrelevant promotional garbage. You really infuriate me.
2 votes -
1 vote
allow cursor to reveal entire name of issue. most abbrev. are indeciferable,esp. ETF's
have the cursor reveal the full name of the issue just like my brokerage a/c's do. why do i have to go to analysis just to get a name???
1 vote -
Add the Print date and time to all Print Requests including Portfolios. Example see My Back Tests
There seems to be an inconsistency. Some reports already have a Date & Time as part of the report. Others do not. Can it be automatic and if not can I create a custom field. As an example I have print-outs but no reference date. Thanks
3 votes -
Order of the Portfolios
Instead of having the VV Portfolios (eg Chairmans Choice) at the top of the left column, please post OUR personal portfolios first. I may look at the Chairmans Choice once a week, but I want to look at My Portfolio daily or more. Why make me scroll down everyday, but have Dr D's right on top?
1 vote -
Kingold KGJI is in the gold jewelry business. You have it listed in the Software group.
Kingold KGJI is in the gold jewelry business. You have it listed in the Software group.
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SOW Printable Format
Have strategy of the week available in a printable format like we had rather than just the video presentaations. I find the video presentations wery difficult to follow and extremely time consuming.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?