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VectorVest 7

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VectorVest 7



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  1. 2 votes

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  2. This would give us a way to see "what if" we had our present positions and as the price hit our stop criteria we replaced it with a stock from the Uni-search list.

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  3. Include CALMAR ratio as a column in list of backtest results; risk adjusted performance is a critical decision criterion which distinguishes VV from other backtesters.

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  4. I would like to see an stop option for a close below a highest stop for long positions and above a lowest stop for short positions. This would have to be coupled with a rule that the buy/sell price does not violate the stop criteria

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  5. Can you take all the Back Test settings from all the strategy presentations and place them in one convenient place on the web site or the VectorVest platform? It would make it easier to find the Back
    Test settings.

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  6. Since I am very new I am not talking about the VectorVes7t system, I am talking about the envelope around the system.
    One of the biggest shortcoming is the inability for the end user to produce printouts. I am trying to learn the system and printouts of various subjects would really help me a lot.
    I would be very happy to see an improvement in that area.

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  7. Different Backtesting
    I would like to enter my own stocks by symbol and date (no searches).

    Would also like to have the sell price be the actual Trailing Stop Price (if it traded there that day) - Much like if it was a market order and was executed @ that price immediately. The closing price is not where I would sell nor is the average or opening.

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  8. Our User Group discovered that the Stop Price used for stop ascending sorts is based on the Split-Adjusted Stock Price, not the Actual Stock Price. This distorts the back tests done with such searches.

    Let's take an example. If you run stop ascending search on February 19, 2010, the number two stock that pops up on the list is VFC, and that is one of the stocks that the back tester would have bought on the following Monday if you started using this system on 2/19/10. If you graph it, you will see a Stop Price on that date for…

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  9. Would like to see the option in VV7 BackTester to not repurchase the same stocks during the Market Timing Period like in the Simulator under Money Management / Purchase Options. Not just limiting how many days before repurchase.

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  10. Add max %Gain over backtest period in the summary table of My Backtests, not just the %G/L on the end date. This would allow for a quick and valuable comparison of different backtests without having to look at each graph. The peak is most important, not just the final value.

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  11. Since these were very bad years it would be nice to see what a backtest would look like using the Midas Touch watchlist for these years. Today the watchlist only shows stocks back through 2009.

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  12. I would like to see in the Bactester the following: now the backtester is created on DAILY basis.

    I ask you to give me the choice also for the Backtest WEEKLY and END OF WEEK, like I see in GRAPH-item.

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  14. Allow users to import their own timing list rather than just using built-in lists of Confirmed, DEW, Primary Wave, Green Light. These user-defined timing signals could be used in graphs as well as in the backtester. The user-defined list could be for MACD, Cook's Candles, or any other list created externally by the user. The data could just be a comma delimited file with "name" "up,down,neutral" signals & dates.

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  15. When back test done, if the stock listed in bse and nse, same stocks is selected from both nse and bse. it should take only one exchange. in simple avoid adding same scrip twice in back test search. today when I did one test I found sks micro selected both from bse and nse out of 10 stocks

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  16. Please put an option in the autotester "other settings" screen for a 1% of portfolio value limit per position.

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  17. In the Reports section of the Backtester, under Summary report, there are 2 pie charts that are nicely supplied showing:
    a) Current Positions by Symbol and
    b) Current positions by Industry
    These are great to ensure diversification but I wonder- for easier comparison if:
    -you could match the colors so that the stock and sector it belongs to are the same color. It would be quicker and easier to read- apple to apples?
    Many thanks for the consideration

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  18. Enable a way for user supplied dates for backtesting, searching. These dates can come from user timing signal they have developed and not VV timing signals. Like to see buy, sell and cash capability.

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  19. It would be great to see an index or the VVC graph alongside a back-test result graph so that we can see how our idea performed against the market at the time of the back-test. That would give more depth/proof to the back-test I'm thinking.

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  20. Allow user “custom field definitions” to be used as stop criteria in BackTester.

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