price above or below Moving Averages
The ability to filter stocks thru unisearch when the stock price is ABOVE or BELOW ANY moving average. For example stocks above the 50 ma or 200 ma or both.

Custom Moving Averages are now available in VectorVest 7 for all ProTrader users.
Finding stocks with a Price above or below a Moving Average can be accomplished by creating a Custom Moving Average field.
Last Friday’s Strategy of the Week gives a great overview of how to use Custom Moving Averages in Unisearch searches.
The update is currently being rolled out, but can also be downloaded from
Alan TOWNSON commented
I understand Timothy McGrath no longer works for VestoVest and his 2013 post should be ignored
Richard Hadlock commented
Enable using a Custom Moving Average as a Stop Criteria in the BackTester. Most people use MAs as a guide for their investing.
Ernest Gavalda commented
Give the choice of "is currently" or "cross" to all indicators. For example MA 10 is currently above 50 ma or DPO is currently above zero.