Custom Timing in Backtesting
Add the capability to use custom timing signals to enter long or short postions or go to cash in backtesting as is available in VectorVest 6.

This feature is now available in our latest update to VectorVest 7, currently being rolled out.
Colin Carter commented
Just updated VV7 but cannot find enhancement. Is it available in VV7 without autotester?
Peter Langlois commented
Would be great to be able to store the custom timing system too, so it shows up as a (user-added) timing system in the Backtester.
Howard Beckett commented
Custom timing is not the only situation where VV-US beats out VV-7. You can't do VV's Payday Portfolio in VV-7 because you can't stop to recognize dividends, options pre,iums or the possibility that you got "called" out. I have a friend that has a timing system that allows short and long positions simultaneously in your portfolio. Try that in VV-7's Backtest tool. Quite simply, the Backtest tool needs a "manual" button. It is great that they automated so much but sometimes automatic routines destroy creativity and potential solutions.