Enter buy points on watchlist graphs
It would be very helpful for visual tracking of stock buy points if we could enter the purchase date and price for any watchlist stock and have it appear as a point on the graph. Perhaps plotting the buy and sell dates from the portfolio tracker would accomplish this.

Sean Slattery commented
This feature would be great to understand what I did right/wrong as time goes on. At the bottom, maybe add an additional drop down box to select portfolio (similar to dropdown for confirmed call/Primary Wave/DEW) and enable as a toggle to show buy/sell activity from that portfolio
Bo Darsenius commented
I support Terrys horizontal and vertical lines. That would be teriffic!
Michael Leibel commented
I usually enter the date, price, quantity, strategy as a Note on the chart but sometimes my notes mysteriously go missing and if I change the number of studies displayed under the chart the notes get bumped up beyond where they are visible. So depending on which chart type I am using I may or may not see the notes.
Terry Severn commented
You can add a note on the graph for buy point.
I also add horizontal and vertical lines for the price and date of purchase in green, and another set in red when I sell.
John Barr commented
I like this idea, and Tim's idea of how it would work is the same as what I would want to have on a stock graph. It might become a little more complicated for stocks where there are multiple positions i.e. where you purchase the stock originally and then buy more when each dividend is declared as in a DRIP situation. Perhaps you would have a button (like the confirms calls button on the bottom of the graph which would toggle the feature on and off. Another way to do it might be a crosshair cursor approach where the vertical line is the purchase date (or first purchase date) and the horizontal is the average cost basis per share.
Ron Watson commented
Tim, When I first saw this suggestion, I would have been happy with just the ability to manually put on my date/price mark. I really like your suggestion re: marking which portfolio strategy I bought the stock in.
Timothy McGrath commented
How would you like this feature to work?
Are you interested in markers that tie to the transactions for all portfolios in VectorVest 7?
So, for instance, if you have a portfolio that purchased MSFT on 3/11, then when you open a MSFT graph, a marker will exist on that date referencing the transaction and the portfolio.Let me know if this what you are looking for...
Thanks for the ideas!
Timothy McGrath
Software Developer -
James Hamby commented
Until we get this I attach a note on the graph.
Bruce Blake commented
Excellent idea that I have not found available elsewhere (except cutom built spreadsheets).
Larry Cooke commented
As an active trader it is very easy to have many ideas floating around on a number of watchlists. The ability to make notes or establish buy points (or other info) will greatly enhance the value of what is already an outstanding program.
marilyn stafford commented
It would be more than helpful. It would be fantastic.
Norm Sash commented
I would love to see buy / sell transactions automatically annotated with summary data on a stock graph. Fidelity Active Trader Pro currently does this... plots your portfolio buy / sell transactions on the graph. Very handy for seeing at a glance what your activity has been with a particular stock.